Full Name: Gloria Witt
Nick Names:
Office Sought: House of Representatives, 5th Congressional District of Virginia
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Campaign Website: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/
Campaign POC: Unavailable
Phone Number: 434-515-1322
Campaign Email:
Structured Interview Request Sent: Refused 2024.
Structured Interview Response and Date: Refused.
Vetting Panel Selected: Refused
Structured Interview Completed: Refused
Biography: Born and raised in Amherst County, Virginia, Witt describes herself as a country girl who values family, faith, education, justice, and community building. On a personal level, she is a businessperson, community servant, mother, and grandmother. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
Highly experienced, Witt had a 32-year career with global energy leader Framatome (formerly AREVA). She is proficient at influencing and driving results in multicultural environments. She started her career as a secretary in Procurement and retired as the North American Director of People Development. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
After retiring in 2013, Gloria became Founder and CEO of Define Success Coaching, a company committed to developing executives and leaders that are known for their ability to produce defined results whether in a commercial, government, non-profit, or faith-based organizations. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
Among her sincerely held values are economic development, workforce and youth development, social justice, and leadership. She serves the community as a board member of organizations which include the NAACP Amherst Branch (President); The Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities (Board Member); the Central Virginia Academy for Nonprofit Excellence (President); Amherst Women’s Club (Board Member); Lead Virginia (Board Member); and Centra Health (Board Member). Due to her interest in serving in the political arena, Witt has taken a leave of absence from The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Lynchburg; and the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
As the Congressperson, Witt will champion the needs of the 5th District by listening to her constituents, focusing on solutions that spurs smart economic growth, upholds democracy, and represents the collective voices that strengthens families, rethinks education, and addresses gun violence. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
“I am asking the voters in the 5th District for their trust and their votes”, said Witt. “It is time that the District had a real voice in Congress that works for them.” (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
Why you? Our rights and fundamental freedoms are under attack and I want to use my voice to energize dissatisfied voters, break down walls and build bridges to advance legislation for ‘we the people’ that upholds democracy, strengthens families, rethinks education, and spurs smart economic growth. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
What are your priorities?
As the Congressperson, Witt will champion the needs of the 5th District by listening to her constituents, focusing on solutions that spurs smart economic growth, upholds democracy, and represents the collective voices that strengthens families, rethinks education, and addresses gun violence. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
Uphold Democracy:
Ensure our individual freedoms are protected against all forms of discrimination.
Expand access to voting – Advance the John Lewis Voting Act.
Strengthen Families:
Restore reproductive rights – trust women to make decisions about their bodies.
Expand access to basic quality healthcare.
Advance affordable childcare – every child should have access to quality day care to establish the foundation for lifelong learning.
Enhance mental health access for all – it is not a crime it is healthcare.
Preserve Social Security, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act.
Advocate to adjust the federal minimum wage.
Innovate immigration processing solutions to assess, relocate, employ or deport individuals.
Support criminal justice equity.
Find solutions to address affordable housing crisis.
Protect the PACT Act – the largest expansion of health care and benefits for veterans.
Rethink Education:
Re-invent k-12 public school education and replace “No Child Left Behind” policies.
Support teachers – licensure, pay, and development.
Strengthen pathways to workforce skill development, i.e., Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs.
Spur Smart Economic Growth:
Address economic inequality with workforce skill training and living wage job creation.
Support climate friendly economic growth, i.e., carbon-free energy solutions.
Provide aid for farmer sustainability.
Support fair share tax policies.
Expand infrastructure to support connectivity, i.e., broadband access to rural localities.
Address Gun Violence:
Close background check loopholes at gun shows, private sales, online sales, and pawn shops.
Mandated waiting periods before every gun purchase.
Ban assault weapons. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
Endorsements: None listed on website. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
Education: No mention on website. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
Relevant Employment History: See biography above. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
Military Experience / Branch / Years of Service / Rank / Type of Discharge: No mention of military service on website. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
Past Offices Held and Tenure: No mention on website.
Community Service: She serves the community as a board member of organizations which include the NAACP Amherst Branch (President); The Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities (Board Member); the Central Virginia Academy for Nonprofit Excellence (President); Amherst Women’s Club (Board Member); Lead Virginia (Board Member); and Centra Health (Board Member). Due to her interest in serving in the political arena, Witt has taken a leave of absence from The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Lynchburg; and the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
Leadership Experience: See biography above.
Personal Strengths: Refused to answer.
What is the most important thing Virginians need to know about you? Refused to answer.
How would your friends and family describe you? Refused to answer.
What are your thoughts on the Constitution as the Law of the Land? Refused to answer. No mention of the Constitution on website. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
What are your thoughts on religious liberty? Refused to answer. No mention of the protection of faith or religious liberty on website. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
What are your thoughts on the preservation of our history? Refused to answer. No mention of the preservation of history on website. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
What are your thought on government transparency? Refused to answer. No mention of government transparency on website. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
What are your thoughts on national defense? Refused to answer. No mention of national defense on website. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
What are your thoughts on the free enterprise system? Refused to answer. No mention of the free enterprise system on website. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
What are your thoughts on the protection of the unborn? Refused to answer. No mention of preservation of lives of the unborn on website. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
What are your thoughts on the role the family plays in America? Refused to answer. Professes support for the family and restoration of the family on website. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
What are your thoughts on equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity, as opposed to equal outcomes? Refused to answer. No mention of equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity, as opposed to equal outcomes on website. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
What are your thoughts on the 2nd Amendment? Refused to answer. Professes values contrary to values and beliefs of Chasing Freedom – Virginia. (Source: https://www.gloriawittforcongress.com/)
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