Full Name: Dave L. Ross

Nick Names:


Office Sought: Congress,
7th Congressional District


Party Affiliation: Republican


Campaign Website:

Campaign POC:

Phone Number: (571) 594-0814

Campaign Email:

Structured Interview Request Sent:
3 Dec 2021, 20 Dec 2021, 29 Dec 2021, 16 Jan 2022,
25 Jan 2022, 27 Jan 2022, 31 Jan 2022, 1 Feb 2022, 11 Feb 2022, 17 Feb 2022, 2 Mar 2022, 4 Mar 2022, 28 Mar 2022

Structured Interview Response and Date:
Accepted, 29 April 2022

Vetting Panel Selected: Pending

Structured Interview Completed: Pending

Biography: Dave was raised by a single mom with one younger brother in a small town in Iowa. In high school he enjoyed sports and was the captain of his wrestling, track, and football teams his senior year. He joined the Marine Corps in 1987 after graduating from Iowa State University with a BBA in Finance and served in the USMC for 20 years as an Electronic Countermeasures Officer in the carrier based EA-6B aircraft. He received a MS in Systems Management with a focus on Labor Economics from the Naval Postgraduate School, graduating number 2 in his class of 178. Dave is happily married to Jennifer and together they have 6 children, 4 sons and 2 daughters ages 12 to 26. He has lived in the heart of the new Virginia 7th for the past 22 years (7 in Stafford County and 15 in Spotsylvania County) and raised his family here. Dave has his Project Manager Professional (PMP) certification and has worked in the IT field for the past 14 years as a program manager. Dave has also served on the Spotsylvania County Virginia Board of Supervisors from 2012 to present (10 + years), serving two years as Chairman and is currently the Vice-Chairman. Dave has been the Chairman of the Spotsylvania County Republican Committee (2014 – 2016) and also has served as a voting member of the Republican Party of Virginia’s State Central Committee. Dave and his family worship at New Life in Christ Church in Spotsylvania County. Dave believes in free markets, limited government, parental rights in the educating and bringing up children, reducing taxes, and putting conservative principles in place. Dave is very concerned about the direction America is going, it is his strongest desire to get us back on track.

Why you?

I am the only Marine Veteran running, I have the longest time of any candidate serving in the military with 20 years of service.
I have 10 plus years of service, serving our Community on the Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors.
Since 1987, I’ve only had four years (2008 – 2012) where I have not served either Country or Community. I have a servant’s heart.
I live in the heart of the new 7th Congressional District and have for the past 22 years (connected to the needs of citizens of the 7th)
I have a proven record of doing what I said I would do with a solid conservative record on the Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors; campaign theme has been “Promises Kept”. Many say they are conservative or moderate (see the incumbent democrat) and yet are not what they say they are.
I’m happily married, my house is in order, I’ve lived in our new 7th for the past 22 years and raised my family here. America’s future is something I find worth fighting for.

What are your priorities?
Blocking the democrat’s socialist agenda for America.
Restoring our Founding Father’s vision / principles for America.
Supporting the 2nd Amendment (Made Spotsy one of first 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties in VA), Constitutional Carry, Fixing free speech censorship by big tech, protecting the unborn, closing the Department of Education, funding School Choice with Federal dollars to student and parents, not directly to public school system, restoring energy independence to America, supporting a balanced budget to be voted on, Veteran support, tax relief, promoting free markets and limited government.

Navy Commander Chuck Smith
Bishop E.W. Jackson
State Senator Amanda Chase
Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors Tim McLaughlin and Lori Hayes
Spotsylvania County School Board members Lisa Phelps, Rob Abuismail, and April Gillespie

BBA Finance – Iowa State University
MS System’s Management – emphasis on Labor Economics – Naval Postgraduate School

Relevant Employment History: Farm hand, 20 years USMC, 14 years program management in Information Technology business sector.

Military Experience / Branch / Years of Service / Rank / Type of Discharge:
United States Marine Corps, 20 years of service, Major, Honorable discharge

Past Offices Held and Tenure: 
Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors – 2012 – Present
Spotsylvania County Republican Committee Chairman – 2014 – 2016
RPV State Central Committee member representing the 7th CD – 2019 – 2020

Community Service:
10 plus years on Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Member of New Life in Christ Church – frequently serving our community in numerous ways.

Leadership Experience: 
high school sports teams – football, wrestling, track // NROTC, USMC Officers Candidate School (OCS), The Basic School, 20 years of USMC service, working for and with Constituents and board members on the Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors, leading teams as a program manager in the information Technology field on multi-million dollar contracts the past 14 years, being a Dad and raising 6 children here in Virginia.

Personal Strengths: A born fighter for things I believe in – Faith, Family, Country, Community. Integrity and persistence.

What is the most important thing Virginians need to know about you? I am not running for Congress for personal gain, power, or influence but I am running for the Constituents of the 7th Congressional District, to serve them, and to restore America to the Constitutional Republic our Forefathers envisioned for our exceptional experiment in self-government and Liberty, America.

How would your friends and family describe you? Loyal and supportive. There when they need me to be there.

What are your thoughts on the Constitution as the Law of the Land? Thank goodness the Constitution is the Law of the Land. Without it in place, we would have lost our Republic already.

What are your thoughts on religious liberty? It is a founding concept and principle of America. It has been infringed upon greatly by our government during Covid.   

What are your thoughts on the preservation of our history? It is of the utmost importance to preserve accurate history and to teach accurate history to accurately learn what works and what doesn’t work and why. We do not want to repeat the bad history ever.

What are your thought on government transparency? Government needs to be fully transparent. It is for “We the People” not the other way around.  

What are your thoughts on national defense? We need a strong national defense. Being strong prevents wars.

What are your thoughts on the free enterprise system? The free market system is the best system developed on the planet earth. It has brought millions / billions of people out of poverty. We need the free market system in our schools as well in the form of school choice to make education completion which will improve education for all students.


What are your thoughts on the protection of the unborn? I believe life begins at conception and the unborn need to have a voice as well. I will be their voice in Congress.

What are your thoughts on the role the family plays in America? The American family has been under attack for several decades. The family unit is the core of America and government policies need to encourage the family unit and promote the family unit. Facts show that children raised outside the mom and dad family unit are not going to be the thriving citizens that children raised inside the family unit are. 

What are your thoughts on equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity, as opposed to equal outcomes?  I am a firm believer in equal rights, justice and opportunity. As for equal outcomes, we all make choices in life. Some choose to work hard for themselves and or their families and community while others make other choices which are not always good choices. Is isn’t equal justice to provide equal outcomes to all because we all make different choices, both good and bad. 

What are your thoughts on the 2nd Amendment? It is there to protect us mainly from a tyrannical government. It should not be infringed upon. The right to keep and bear arms protects all other God given rights we have. I will protect the 2nd Amendment with everything I have.



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