Full Name: Bryce Reeves
Nick Names:
Office Sought: Congress,
7th Congressional District
Party Affiliation: Republican
Campaign Website:
Campaign POC:
Phone Number: 540-645-8440
Campaign Email: TeamReeves@BryceReeves.com
Structured Interview Request Sent:
3 Dec 2021, 20 Dec 2021, 29 Dec 2021, 16 Jan 2022, 25 Jan 2022, 27 Jan 2022, 31 Jan 2022, 1 Feb 2022, 11 Feb 2022, 17 Feb 2022, 2 Mar 2022, 4 Mar 2022, multiple attempts throughout Mar, April and May 2022
Structured Interview Response and Date:
Vetting Panel Selected: Refused.
Structured Interview Completed: Refused.
Biography: When Bryce Reeves was growing up, his family didn’t have much, but Bryce’s mom kept the following quote up on the wall: “Education is not only for earning a living. It’s so you can live, serve, and lead.”
Bryce, and his brother Blain, were the first in their family to graduate from college. The idea of service, putting others ahead of yourself, was in their blood. Every man in Bryce’s family has served in the military, and Bryce was no exception. Bryce was a cadet at Texas A&M, recognized as the Distinguished Military Graduate. Upon graduation, Bryce was commissioned as an officer in the United States Army. Bryce was the honor graduate of his class at the U.S. Army Airborne School at Fort Benning, Georgia. He went on to graduate from the Army’s Ranger School, earning his Ranger tab. Now an Airborne Ranger, Bryce went on to serve as an infantry officer.
After the Army, Bryce served as a narcotics detective in Prince William County and saw first-hand the bravery of the people who put their lives on the line to defend us here at home every day.
Bryce is fond of saying, “You can’t talk it up. You have to put it up.” He did not get into public service to sit quietly on the sidelines – he got in to lead. And that’s exactly what he did in Virginia’s State Senate, where he led the fight against the radical left, fighting for the conservative principles we all share.
Today, the America that Bryce’s mom and family loved is fading away.
Joe Biden and the radical left are pushing us to the brink.
Reckless spending, out of control inflation, infringements of individual and parental rights, assaults on the police, chaos at our southern border, weakening of our military, and possibly the worst of all, foreign policy failures, specifically the mishandled withdrawal from Afghanistan resulting in tragedy and a humanitarian crisis – sending the message that the lives we lost in Afghanistan and sacrificed on the altar of freedom meant nothing.
Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger is doing nothing. She is hiding instead of leading.
Bryce Reeves knows that it is an honor and a privilege to serve. To speak for the unspoken. And he watched when President Trump was able to stand in the gap and stand up for the principles and values that made America great.
Service is in Bryce’s blood. He is going to make his family proud, and he will make your family proud. And as our Congressman, he will make Virginia proud. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Why you? No information available.
What are your priorities?
Election Integrity
We need to bring integrity back to our elections. Democrats changed laws to allow no requirements for identification to vote, started early voting for 45 days prior to election, took away requirements and safeguards on absentee ballots by not requiring a witness signature, set up drop boxes, all of which has created a mistrust of our voting process. As your congressman, I promise to fight for free, fair, and secure elections so that we don’t repeat the disaster of the 2020 election. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Putting America’s Interests First
President Biden is failing at putting America’s interests first. Whether it is the rising inflation, higher fuel prices, or higher taxes he has completely created all of this by his lack of leadership in his administration. His weak stance on China with regard to trade and tariffs or the theft of US intellectual property is abysmal and made us weaker. Biden is an empty suit on the job and is leaving America and Americans economically vulnerable. As your congressman, I will always put American interest first and work to enact the policies that help our country prosper along with our citizens. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Foreign Policy
The way in which we left Afghanistan was a debacle and despicable, plain and simple. As a veteran I understand the sacrifices made in Afghanistan and the quagmire in which we now find ourselves. It could have been avoided if Joe Biden had not been more concerned with his political image than Americans’ lives. When I am your congressman, I will fight to strengthen our military and our relationship with our allies and ensure that something like what happened in Afghanistan never happens again. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
The left is infecting our schools with anti-American ideals like Critical Race Theory and are more beholden to the teachers union than to students and their parents. I will work in Congress to pass the same bill (SB908) I passed in Virginia that ensures and solidifies that parents have the fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education and care of their children. Leaders of the Democrat Party talk about taking away parental rights in the curriculum that is taught and cancelling any viewpoint not in line with their leftist agenda. I will advocate against Critical Race Theory and the toxic culture that the left is pushing on our children. As a parent I have a moral obligation to stand up for not only my own kids but yours as well. I will fight with every measure available to me to ensure and enshrine our God given rights as parents. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Second Amendment
Our right to bear arms has been under attack by the Democrat majority. I’m a proud gun owner and will fight against attempts to pass red flag laws, universal background checks, high magazine bans, and one gun a month laws. Too many times we see Americans with limitations on their rights to protect themselves while criminals run our streets with guns bought illegally. In Virginia I got our concealed carry gun rights back and was awarded the Defender of Freedom Award from the NRA for my work to ensure 480,000+ legal gun owners didn’t lose their right to keep and bear arms. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
I applaud efforts in conservative states to push back on liberal attempts to expand abortion. I have always stood for the unborn and will never waiver. Congresswoman Spanberger is a champion of Planned Parenthood and Democrat pro-choice organizations and her radical stance on abortion is a danger to our society. I will stand up for the unborn and work with my colleagues in the house to fight against abortion attempts and infanticide. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Jobs and the Economy/Inflation
Under President Trump’s policies, we saw historic economic growth, low unemployment numbers, and an economy that was exploding. Biden and the Democrats took advantage of the pandemic to pass arbitrary shut downs that killed small businesses and substituted economic free enterprise with government. They used the COVID 19 crisis to pass the biggest social welfare laws in the history of this country and now, with inflation and cost of living at the highest levels in over a decade, we are bearing the consequences of their liberal big government spending. As your congressman, I will bring fiscal responsibility back to the government and rein in policies that are causing higher costs of living. At some point the debt will be due and I refuse to keep kicking the can down to the next generation. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Military and Our Veterans
Without question President Biden has shown the rest of the world and our allies that lives sacrificed for the cause of freedom mean nothing and politics means everything. As an Airborne Ranger Infantry officer I know what service means. Afghanistan was and is a tragedy. For ten years I have been fighting in Virginia and passing laws to help our active, reserve, national guard, and or veterans. We must have a congressman that understands the sacrifice and knows how to support our troops and their families. I will always stand for those who have worn the cloth of our country because when we don’t, it only shows the next generation that no one cares about them. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Law Enforcement
As a former police detective and current auxiliary sheriff deputy I will tell you the morale and esprit de corps in our law enforcement is at an all time low. When I am elected, I will be one of only 8 former law enforcement officers in Congress. The Democrats have waged war on our law enforcement and attempted to dismantle, disarm, and defund our police. Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger has failed to stand up for our brave men and women in blue, and it’s time for representation in Washington that reflects our values. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Energy Independence
America’s energy policy should be all in. We should be maximizing our resources by minimizing government bureaucracy, encouraging private innovation, and unleashing American energy production. This includes empowering our states to control their own energy development within their borders by liberating offshore drilling and maximizing solar, wave, nuclear, and wind production. We need to lift bans on crude and natural gas exports and defend U.S interest in climate talks, ensuring the energy security of our allies. In 2014 I got SB 25 passed, to increase offshore drilling and putting safe guards in place so that what happened in Louisiana would not take place in Virginia. I also carried SB1091 to ensure safeguards were in place for solar development when solar farms reach the end of their life for decommissioning. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah)
Delegate Nick Freitas (R-Culpeper) (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Education: Graduate of Texas A&M (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Relevant Employment History: See above biography.
Military Experience / Branch / Years of Service / Rank / Type of Discharge: Upon graduation [from college], Bryce was commissioned as an officer in the United States Army. Bryce was the honor graduate of his class at the U.S. Army Airborne School at Fort Benning, Georgia. He went on to graduate from the Army’s Ranger School, earning his Ranger tab. Now an Airborne Ranger, Bryce went on to serve as an infantry officer. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Past Offices Held and Tenure: Currently serves in the Virginia’s State Senate. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Community Service: No information available.
Leadership Experience: No information available.
Personal Strengths: No information available.
What is the most important thing Virginians need to know about you? No information available.
How would your friends and family describe you? No information available.
What are your thoughts on the Constitution as the Law of the Land? Refused to answer. No mention of the Constitution in published information.
What are your thoughts on religious liberty? Refused to answer. No mention of religious liberty in published material.
What are your thoughts on the preservation of our history? Refused to answer. No mention of the preservation of history in published material.
What are your thought on government transparency? Refused to answer. No mention of government transparency in published material.
What are your thoughts on national defense? Professes to support election security, energy independence, conservative foreign policy agenda, US military and veterans. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
Without question President Biden has shown the rest of the world and our allies that lives sacrificed for the cause of freedom mean nothing and politics means everything. As an Airborne Ranger Infantry officer I know what service means. Afghanistan was and is a tragedy. For ten years I have been fighting in Virginia and passing laws to help our active, reserve, national guard, and or veterans. We must have a congressman that understands the sacrifice and knows how to support our troops and their families. I will always stand for those who have worn the cloth of our country because when we don’t, it only shows the next generation that no one cares about them. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
What are your thoughts on the free enterprise system? Refused to answer. Professes to support conservative economic issues. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
What are your thoughts on the protection of the unborn?
I applaud efforts in conservative states to push back on liberal attempts to expand abortion. I have always stood for the unborn and will never waiver. Congresswoman Spanberger is a champion of Planned Parenthood and Democrat pro-choice organizations and her radical stance on abortion is a danger to our society. I will stand up for the unborn and work with my colleagues in the house to fight against abortion attempts and infanticide. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/)
What are your thoughts on the role the family plays in America? Refused to answer. No mention of family in published material.
What are your thoughts on equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity, as opposed to equal outcomes? Refused to answer. No mention of these values in published material.
What are your thoughts on the 2nd Amendment?
Our right to bear arms has been under attack by the Democrat majority. I’m a proud gun owner and will fight against attempts to pass red flag laws, universal background checks, high magazine bans, and one gun a month laws. Too many times we see Americans with limitations on their rights to protect themselves while criminals run our streets with guns bought illegally. In Virginia I got our concealed carry gun rights back and was awarded the Defender of Freedom Award from the NRA for my work to ensure 480,000+ legal gun owners didn’t lose their right to keep and bear arms. (Source: https://www.brycereeves.com/
Virginia Constitutional Conservatives Candidate Survey 2022 – CANDIDATE REFUSED TO ANSWER
Additional sources of information on this candidate:
Virginia Constitutional Conservatives Candidate Survey 2022 – CANDIDATE REFUSED TO ANSWER