Full Name: Mike Dickinson
Nick Names:
Office Sought: Congress,
4th Congressional District
Party Affiliation: Republican
Campaign Website:
Campaign POC:
Phone Number:
804 347 7589
Campaign Email:
Structured Interview Request Sent:
3 Dec 2021, 20 Dec 2021, 29 Dec 2021, 16 Jan 2022
Structured Interview Response and Date:
18 January 2022
Vetting Panel Selected: Pending
Structured Interview Completed: Pending
Biography: Mike Dickinson, a Richmond Native Republican, grew up wanting to make a difference in his community. Graduating in 2007, the VCU Alumni graduated with a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice, a Master’s in Urban Planning, and a PHD in Public Policy. He has since become a proud small business owner and is now working to be elected to Congress November 2022.
Mike has led the fight in Richmond; which culminated with him garnering MORE VOTES then Governor Glenn Youngkin within RIchmond in November, 2021! Mike got 16,452 votes- surpassing the vote total of EVERY Republican candidate in the City combined! He is THE undisputed conservative leader of Richmond!
Why you? I have been the leader of the conservative movement in Richmond the last 2 years. No one has fought on the front lines as consistently as I have. Others talk, I do. I am not afraid to stand up for I believe and confront those who stand in the way. Over the last 2 years I have- with no help from the gop-
1) Cancelled the BLM street mural in Richmond by proposing a Baby Lives Matter in front of Planned Parenthood.
2) Led the largest Trump Trains in the state down Monument Ave to push back against antifa/blm thugs who considered Monument Ave to be there “safe space” and told lies about our great President.
3) Rallied against City Council when they attempted to defund the police.
4) I am on the radio here once a week talking about some issue that everyone else is afraid to.
5) Everything I have said on the radio, in facebook posts, in speeches has been proven correct.
6) Held a fundraiser for Roger Stone when nobody else would
I stand for direct political confrontation. I don’t back down. I am not perfect. I found my way back to god later in life- and he gave me a newfound ability to fight like no other. I have had feuds with the GOP- specifically the Richmond GOP- who kicked me out of the party and then lied about me. However, there method of “having ice cream and cake” with democrats was proven ineffective when in November of 2021 I got more votes in Richmond then Glenn Youngkin, Winsome Sears, and Jason Miyares, and ALL other GOP House candidates combined. My method of direct confrontation resonated.
When I was kicked out the Richmond GOP- my competitor for this nomination- Leon Benjamin sat there and did absolutely nothing. Kimberly Lowe was there- to speak for me- and she witnessed the whole charade. So for Leon to say he is a fighter or anything- he doesn’t do whats right, he does what is politically convenient to help himself. Total fraud. Leon hasn’t done anything for Richmond. He spends his time in Oklahoma trying to be a Kardashian (Famous for being famous) while people like myself do the work.
What are your priorities?
1) Stand up and fight for conservative values and beliefs. If you want someone in the mold of Kirk Cox or Bob McDonnell look elsewhere. I am a fierce fighter and I do not go along to get along. My priority is to not just vote no to things I don’t agree with, but to work non stop to derail and expose them. The swamp is deep- and we need to drain it.
2) Fight for the Constitution and god.
3) Do the work. I am not worried about being famous. I get a lot of media as it is because of my background and my personality. I don’t ask for it but it comes my way and I use it to shine light on issues I care about.
Endorsements: None yet. Roger Stone and VCDL endorsed me in 2020. Fredericksburg Regional Tea Party endorsed me in 2020 and 2021.
Education: PhD in Public Policy VCU 2008
Relevant Employment History: I own Blackcat Events a event production company.
I spent many years running adult clubs- till in 2017 I had a kidney stone and thought I was going to die. I came out of that with a sense that I needed to change and the next day a missionary sent me a message on Facebook- and she brought me to god. Then while I was saved and living the right way- in October of 2019 my dad died. Which I felt was a sign that its enough just to go to church and pray- that if god gives you a gift you have to use it and that was a sign. The next day I decided to run for congress.
Military Experience / Branch / Years of Service / Rank / Type of Discharge: None.
Past Offices Held and Tenure: Did not answer.
Community Service: Multiple time event organizer for Trump Trains, 2A rallies, medical freedom rallies, in Richmond.
Leadership Experience: Did not answer.
Personal Strengths: Did not answer.
What is the most important thing Virginians need to know about you? Relentless.
How would your friends and family describe you? Did not answer.
What are your thoughts on the Constitution as the Law of the Land? God gives us our freedom, the Constitution enumerates what the government can do.
What are your thoughts on religious liberty? Its critical.
What are your thoughts on the preservation of our history? We have too preserve our history. I led protests to save Monument Ave. GOP Groups would not help.
What are your thought on government transparency? We must have it. The swamp is deep.
What are your thoughts on national defense? America must be the strongest nation with the strongest defense.
What are your thoughts on the free enterprise system? Get government out the way. I am on record saying the EEOC is a horrible organization.
What are your thoughts on the protection of the unborn? Its critical. I fought to have Baby Lives Matter painted in front of Planned Parenthood.
What are your thoughts on the role the family plays in America? We need strong families. Lack of father figures is why we have a generation today that doesn’t know if they are a man or women.
What are your thoughts on equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity, as opposed to equal outcomes? We all get the same chances, but not the same outcomes. I have been in business and seen this firsthand. Its why America is great.
What are your thoughts on the 2nd Amendment? Look at Australia. They cant protect themselves. We need it to protect ourselves from criminals and overreaching government.
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