Full Name: Andy Baan
Nick Names:
Office Sought: House of Representatives, 2nd Congressional District of Virginia
Party Affiliation: Republican
Campaign Website: https://andybaan.com/
Campaign POC:
None provided.
Phone Number:
Campaign Email:
Structured Interview Request Sent: 3 Dec 2021, 20 Dec 2021, 29 Dec 2021, 16 Jan 2022, 25 Jan 2022, 27 Jan 2022, 31 Jan 2022, 1 Feb 2022, 11 Feb 2022, 17 Feb 2022, 2 Mar 2022, 4 Mar 2022, multiple attempts throughout Mar, April and May 2022
Structured Interview Response and Date: Refused.
Vetting Panel Selected: Pending
Structured Interview Completed: Refused.
Biography: 30-year retired Navy Captain. Earned the Bronze Star for exceptional meritorious service in a combat zone with exposure to risk of hostile action. Selected and served as the Commanding Officer (CO) of six Reserve Units, one of which was named best in the nation. Served at NATO twice.
Left the Navy after the first four years and went into the Reserves, and went to law school and became a prosecutor. Worked up to prosecuting felonies/ began career at the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office in Virginia Beach.
In private enterprise as a program manager for a defense contractor, turned a contract around and earned the government’s highest evaluation.
Earned a Masters degree in cybersecurity and that is what I do now, helping to protect our government’s information from China.
Been to 39 countries, lived in 6, worked in 4. Believe in alliances and that we should play an active role in international relations. We should always operate from a perspective that puts the people of the U S first, but we should recognize that other countries can play a critical role in our economy (fair trade) and in our safety (alliances). (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
Andy Baan is a Republican candidate for Congress in Virginia’s Second District. He is an Iraq War veteran, earning a Bronze Star. He is an Eagle Scout and 30-year career Navy veteran, retiring as a Captain. He was selected and served six times as a Commanding Officer in the Navy Reserve, one unit earning the “Best in Nation” award.
Baan left active duty after his first four years, joining the Reserve and attending law school. He earned his degree and became a member of law enforcement as a prosecutor. He began his career at the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office in Virginia Beach and moved to Colorado for work, becoming a felony prosecutor after serving for over 11 years.
Baan was recalled to duty as an Intelligence Officer during the first Gulf War and was recalled again from Colorado to serve as the Operations Officer at the NATO Headquarters in Norfolk, his second stint at a NATO command. He became a defense contractor, serving as a successful program manager. He is currently a cybersecurity consultant.
He has degrees from Notre Dame (BA), a law degree from Dickinson/Penn State, a Masters in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College, and a Masters in Cybersecurity from Norfolk State University. He has an extensive foreign policy background, having been to 39 countries, living in six of those, and working in four (Korea, Iraq, Djibouti, and Saudi Arabia).
As I travel Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District, I am struck by the extraordinary people I meet – hardworking families; active-duty military and veterans like myself who proudly served our country; parents who are fighting to give their children a better life than what they had; entrepreneurs and so many others who are eager for the change in Washington, DC, that will put us back on the road to success.
I am Pro Life. I am a proud supporter of our 2nd Amendment rights. I respect the fact that many people I hope to represent in Congress will disagree with those positions, but I hope that we can engage in meaningful discussions to find commonality of shared goals of protecting our children, growing our economy, fixing our immigration system while strengthening our borders, and reaffirming our international alliances. (Source: https://andybaan.com/priorities/)
Why you? My background, education and experience, my age (I already have a life so I am beholden to no-one) but mostly because of my strength of character. As a CO, as a prosecutor, and as a dad, I have lots of practice and will to say no. No to reckless spending and debt. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
What are your priorities?
Stop reckless spending.
Reduce the debt.
Energy independence, to help build a roaring economy so everyone can participate.
To stop illegal immigration.
In short, follow the Constitution. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
PROTECT OUR SOUTHERN BORDER (Source: https://andybaan.com/priorities/)
Endorsements: Virginia’s Republican National Committeeman Morton Blackwell (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
M.S. – Cybersecurity – Norfolk State University
M.A. – National Security and Strategic Studies (strategic planning focus) – Naval War College
J.D. – The Dickinson School of Law
B.A.x2 – Government and International Studies/German – University of Notre Dame (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
He has degrees from Notre Dame (BA), a law degree from Dickinson/Penn State, a Masters in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College, and a Masters in Cybersecurity from Norfolk State University. (Source: https://andybaan.com/meetandy/)
Relevant Employment History:
Cybersecurity consultant
Senior cybersecurity auditor and policy writer
CHKD Hospital System
Cybersecurity IT system assessor
Mills Marine and Ship Repair
VA and DC Senate Productivity and Quality Award program
Senior Analyst/IT System Assessments
G2 Ops, Inc.
Curriculum Developer/Instructor Advisor
Vinnell Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Insurance Field Agent
Knights of Columbus
Anti-terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) Security Officer
Native Hawaiian Veterans/PAE, Djibouti, Africa
Program Manager & Senior Analyst
ITA International
Military Analyst
Northrop Grumman (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
He earned his degree and became a member of law enforcement as a prosecutor. He began his career at the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office in Virginia Beach and moved to Colorado for work, becoming a felony prosecutor after serving for over 11 years. He is currently a cybersecurity consultant. (Source: https://andybaan.com/meetandy/)
Military Experience / Branch / Years of Service / Rank / Type of Discharge:
Navy Reserves/1984-2010/Captain
Honorable discharges: from initial active duty; from recall from duty for Desert Shield/Storm; recall from duty at NATO; from recall to duty to Iraq. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
He is an Iraq War veteran, earning a Bronze Star. He is an Eagle Scout and 30-year career Navy veteran, retiring as a Captain. He was selected and served six times as a Commanding Officer in the Navy Reserve, one unit earning the “Best in Nation” award. Baan left active duty after his first four years, joining the Reserve and attending law school.
Baan was recalled to duty as an Intelligence Officer during the first Gulf War and was recalled again from Colorado to serve as the Operations Officer at the NATO Headquarters in Norfolk, his second stint at a NATO command. He became a defense contractor, serving as a successful program manager. He is currently a cybersecurity consultant. (Source: https://andybaan.com/meetandy/)
Past Offices Held and Tenure: I have never held elected office. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
Community Service:
Active in church as lector, retreat leader, Sunday school teacher.
Member, Project Lead and Mentor, 200+Men.
Vice-President, Hampton Roads Chapter, Military Officers Association of America.
Member, Former SACLANT Officers Association. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
Leadership Experience: 30 year Navy career which required demonstrated leadership at every level assigned.
Commanding Officer of six different reserve units, one named best in the nation.
Program manager as a defense contractor, earned “Exceptional” performance award from DoD customer.
Led the development of two courses the Saudi National Guard War College; imagined and developed a media training/Capstone exercise component. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
Served six times as a Commanding Officer in the Navy Reserve, later served as an Intelligence Officer during the first Gulf War, and was recalled again to serve as the Operations Officer at the NATO Headquarters in Norfolk (Source: https://andybaan.com/meetandy/)
Personal Strengths: Strength of character, curiosity, quick study. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
What is the most important thing Virginians need to know about you? That my sole purpose in seeking election and serving if elected is to serve the citizens of the district, and to ensure our country’s future along with its promise of liberty. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
How would your friends and family describe you? Earnest, energetic and enthusiastic. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
What are your thoughts on the Constitution as the Law of the Land? The Constitution is divinely inspired to establish a system to protect the God-given rights described in the Declaration of Independence. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
What are your thoughts on religious liberty? Humans are not just economic and social beings, we are also spiritual beings. Therefore to be truly free, we must have economic, social and religious liberty. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
What are your thoughts on the preservation of our history? The United States is the beacon of freedom to the world. We started out flawed, and we are still not perfect, but our history, which because we are the rock of liberty in the world, must be taught to show that free people can constantly move toward perfection, just as the United States has done and is continuing to do. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
What are your thought on government transparency? The government should be completely transparent, except in matters of national security/defense. Congress needs to oversee that more closely. As for the rest of government, in order to maintain transparency, Congress, not agencies, in accordance with the Constitution, should be making the rules and laws. If this was the case, the proper balance between requiring masking and not, between requiring getting the shot or not, or stopping the production of baby formula or not would have been reached, because Congress is accountable to the people. And in these matters, the people would have demanded transparency from their representatives—which is how it should be. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
What are your thoughts on national defense?
We should be strong enough, our defenses able enough, to deter others from even thinking about attacking us. And we should be investing enough in research and espionage that no other country could keep up. We need a vibrant economy to do this, and a reasonable debt so we could borrow for war if we needed to—meaning the economy and national debt are national security issues. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
The security of our nation abroad begins with understanding who are our friends – and who are not. We abandoned thousands of men and women and their families who we asked to stand with us in Afghanistan. We threw away the sacrifices of our own sons and daughters. These were disgraceful actions that will reverberate for years to come unless we take definitive steps to stand with our allies and stop appeasing our enemies. (Source: https://andybaan.com/priorities/)
Russia. China. Iran. North Korea.
These countries do not want to engage in talks or peaceful agreements. They want to destroy us and everything that America stands for. My 30 years serving in the U.S. Navy taught me how to assess threats, how to understand the battlefield, and how to respond. When we respond with weakness, others will show strength. When we lead from behind, others will step forward. And when we abandon our allies, who will want to stand with us?
The strength of America lay in the last 11 words our of National Anthem: “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” We must restore our global reputation and repair the damage of the last two years by being clear with those who mean to do us and our allies harm. (Source: https://andybaan.com/priorities/)
What are your thoughts on the free enterprise system? It is the only system that lifts entire populations out of poverty, and is the only system consistent with liberty. The free enterprise system is the free exchange of goods or labor, by the free will agreement of the parties. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
It’s as basic as apple pie: higher taxes, and more and stricter regulations on small businesses destroys our competitive edge. We watched this play out to a shocking degree as restaurant after restaurant, small business after small business, entrepreneur after entrepreneur closed their doors in the wake of highly restrictive and abusive government policies that made it impossible for all but the largest corporations to continue operating.
We need the WalMarts and Targets and other large-scale grocery and retail stores. We need the chain restaurants. We also need small businesses and mom-and-pop diners, cafes, and restaurants to create a strong and diverse economy.
We’ve made it so hard for small business to succeed that so many would-be successful risktakers have become too scared to take that risk. Businesses need certainty for long-term planning. They need assurances from their elected leaders that we will act in a manner to protect them and create an environment in which they can succeed.
While we’re creating a healthy and robust environment for small businesses to succeed, we must also combat inflation and the runaway government spending we’ve seen over the last two years. We cannot spend our way into prosperity. We cannot break the backs of small businesses and hard-working families who deserve to keep their paychecks in their own pockets instead of surrendering it to the government. We must put a stop to abusive taxes and punishing regulations and instead commit ourselves to doing everything we can to grow our economy and grow small businesses instead of continuing to grow the government. (Source: https://andybaan.com/priorities/)
What are your thoughts on the protection of the unborn? Life begins at conception and should be protected in accordance with the Constitution’s Right to Life. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
I believe in the sanctity of life. I believe that life begins at conception, and we have an obligation to protect the lives of the unborn. A child is a gift. I will always fight to protect the lives of innocent, unborn babies who have as much right to live as do we. I will champion laws that protect the lives of the unborn. (Source: https://andybaan.com/priorities/)
What are your thoughts on the role the family plays in America? The family is the building block of society. Children are not born equipped to deal with the world; humans have a long developmental period until they reach adulthood and become members of the greater society. The family is where children are safe, loved, and can develop the values that will make them productive members of society. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
It’s such a basic concept but one that has gotten so lost: we must listen to parents. A generation of children is being punished and their education, future success in life, and mental and physical health is at stake. For too long, the teachers’ unions have controlled what goes on in the public schools that we, as taxpayers, pay for. I will listen to parents. I will support parents’ right to choose the best educational path for their children. I will put children first, and teachers’ unions last. (Source:https://andybaan.com/priorities/)
What are your thoughts on equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity, as opposed to equal outcomes? Everyone should be equal as they relate to the government. Equal under the law, in the justice system and as citizens of our country. We are all given different gifts, and how we put those gifts to use is how we build a fulfilling life. And that should be the goal. I pray over my children every night that they have a happy and fulfilling life. I will never play in the NBA, and there are not many NBA players who will do the work I do. We should not be concerned with defining equal outcomes. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
We as a society should be concerned that everyone has the opportunity to learn what they are good at, and to learn the skills that will give them the ability to earn a living doing what they are good at, leading to a fulfilling life. We need to invest more where those opportunities have not existed before, because if everyone is a productive member of society as they are able, they will have happy and fulfilling lives, to the glory of God their creator. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
A high-quality education should not depend on where you live, nor should it depend on teachers’ unions holding our children hostage for political gains. Unfortunately, that’s what we’ve seen since the early days of the COVID-19 restrictions. Now, two years later, adults can enjoy the freedom of being maskless inside restaurants and sporting events, but children are forced to eat lunch in silence and wear masks during outdoor recess.
We are a nation proudly build on the hard work of immigrants. We celebrate our nation’s diversity, and we should continue to welcome those who follow the right path to come to our country legally. We should do everything in our power to close our doors to violent gangs and criminals, sexual predators, drug runners, and others who are not coming to America to prosper but rather to harm our citizens. Over the last two years, though, we’ve gotten this completely backwards. Border arrests and deportations are way down; crimes committed by people who are here illegally are way up, and we are less safe.
Our immigration system is broken. It shouldn’t take upwards of a decade for a law-abiding person to gain their citizenship. Children should not be punished for their parents’ crimes. We need to streamline our process so that anyone who wishes to become a U.S. citizen because they believe in America and want to contribute to her greatness can do that. We cannot reward those who come here illegally with our cherished right to vote, identification cards that will enable to them to obtain taxpayer benefits, or give them a bus pass or plane ticket to any of our cities.
We are a nation of laws. We should update our laws, not toss them aside for political points. The last two years, we’ve had it backwards – it’s time we tell criminals, gangs, predators, and terrorists that our borders are closed to them while ensuring we roll out the welcome mat for those who are committed to following the legal path to become an American. (Source: https://andybaan.com/priorities/)
What are your thoughts on the 2nd Amendment? That the founders knew that to be a free people, people had to be able to defend themselves from threats to themselves and their families and communities. Guns are meant to be protective devices. Therefore I support the Second Amendment. (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
I am a proud supporter of our 2nd Amendment rights. (Source: https://andybaan.com/priorities/)
Virginia Constitutional Conservatives Candidate Survey 2022 – CANDIDATE REFUSED TO REPLY TO VCC SURVEY.(https://virginiaconservatives.net/candidate-survey-2022#results_anchor)
Additional sources of information on this candidate:
Gettr: Andy Baan (Provided by Candidate on 4 June 2022)
Virginia Constitutional Conservatives Candidate Survey 2022 – CANDIDATE REFUSED TO REPLY TO VCC SURVEY.(https://virginiaconservatives.net/candidate-survey-2022#results_anchor)