Full Name: John Allen Henley
Nick Names:
Office Sought: Congress,
10th Congressional District
Party Affiliation: Republican
Campaign Website:
Campaign POC:
Phone Number: 703-282-3837
Campaign Email:
Structured Interview Request Sent:
3 Dec 2021, 20 Dec 2021, 29 Dec 2021, 16 Jan 2022,
25 Jan 2022, 27 Jan 2022, 31 Jan 2022, 1 Feb 2022, 11 Feb 2022, 17 Feb 2022, 2 Mar 2022, 4 Mar 2022, 29 Mar 2022
Structured Interview Response and Date:
Vetting Panel Selected: Pending
Structured Interview Completed: Pending
Biography: When John Henley was growing up, his family, like many today, struggled to make ends meet. John’s father worked as a federal employee in San Diego, California before leaving government to start a successful small auto body repair business in Greenwood, Arkansas where John learned the value of hard work.
A few years after receiving his high school diploma, John enlisted in the United States Air Force where he served as an aircraft maintenance technician during Operation Desert Storm. He earned his degree the hard way through night school at a community college before being selected for an Air Force ROTC scholarship to Oklahoma State University where he earned his Air Force commission and a B.A. in Management.
Upon commissioning, John was assigned to the space operations career field where he served in various roles including instructor, executive assistant, operations officer and commander. John also served on the Joint Staff and in the Office of Air Force Legislative Liaison where he helped shape several Air Force legislative priorities including the creation of the United States Space Force, the 6th branch of America’s Armed Forces.
After retiring from the Air Force in 2019, John continued to serve in the national security arena working classified space programs and advising on national security matters. He also owns a small agricultural business and enjoys time on the farm with his animals and gardening. John’s catch phrase is, “Living the Dream!”, and you will often hear this in response to “How are you doing?”.
John holds graduate degrees from Trident University, National Intelligence University, The Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Policy, and was a 2015 MIT Seminar XXI Fellow.
Why you? I’m electable. This election is going to be about the economy, taxes, education and national security. There are no other candidates with the depth of knowledge and expertise I possess heading into the general election on these and other topics affecting our nation today. I have worked with numerous U.S. Senators and House members on several defense-related bills that were passed including the United States Space Force. I am a Day 1 ready candidate who cannot be bought and will not be bought with special interest money and I am not running for Congress to make it a career. I’m running so that families in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District can have a career.
What are your priorities?
Protecting our Constitutional Rights
Economy and Jobs
Tax Reform
Education Reform
National Security
Border Security
Lt Gen(r) Michael Flynn, Former National Security Advisor to President Trump
Jim Bridenstine, Former NASA Administrator to President Trump
Rep Ralph Norman, Congressman from South Carolina (Freedom Caucus)
Bachelors of Science in Aviation Management, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Masters of Business Administration in Public Administration, Trident University, Los Angeles, CA
Masters of Science in Strategic Intelligence, National Defense Intelligence College, Washington D.C.
Masters of Science in National Security and Resource Policy, The Eisenhower School, Washington D.C.
Certificate in National Security and Foreign Policy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Relevant Employment History: Did not answer.
Military Experience / Branch / Years of Service / Rank / Type of Discharge:
Active Duty / United States Air Force / 28 years / Colonel / Honorable
Past Offices Held and Tenure: None.
Community Service: I serve at Park Valley Church in Haymarket, VA in middle school, youth and summer camp ministries. Additionally, I served as the HOA President for 2 years in the Morris Farm Community in Gainesville, VA where I represented a community of 500 homes. I’ve also volunteered in the Manassas Women’s Shelter painting the interior and exterior of their complex and remain active in my community today.
Leadership Experience: During my 28 year military career, I served in a variety of leadership roles including Flight Commander, Operations Officer, Commander, Chief of Operations for the National Military Command Center, and as a Division Chief of the Air Force Weapons Division in Legislative Liaison. The number of people I’ve led over the years has ranged from a team of 12 to a team of over 200 supporting U.S. national defense.
Personal Strengths: Integrity, Leadership, Communication, Self-awareness, Gratitude, Empathy, Wisdom, and Discernment.
What is the most important thing Virginians need to know about you? The most important thing Virginians need to know about me is that I’m a fighter and a man of integrity with great faith in God, our country and each other.
How would your friends and family describe you? I asked 5 friends and 5 family members and their answers are below.
Respectful, Faithful, Spirited, Intelligent, Tactful, Outgoing, Caring, Empathetic, Honest, Diligent, Patriotic, and Humble.
What are your thoughts on the Constitution as the Law of the Land? The Constitution is unequivocally the Law of the Land in the United States. It should be interpreted in its original form, honored and respected as the document of a free people.
What are your thoughts on religious liberty? The First Amendment says “Freedom of Religion” and that all Americans, regardless of faith, have the God-given right to live out their faith as they see fit without being censored or monitored by the Federal Government. In the age of Covid, our government closed churches, arrested Pastors and trampled on this Constitutional right. We have military members who are being denied religious exemptions from vaccines and are being discharged from our Armed Forces. This is a travesty in America and as a Member of Congress I will fight every day to restore the rights afforded to all Americans under our Constitution.
What are your thoughts on the preservation of our history? American history is our history. We must preserve it to serve as a reminder of the progress and great sacrifices we’ve made together as a nation and glean lessons learned. This allows for fact-based discussions in our education system, as well as across the whole of government so we do not waste resources fighting old battles.
What are your thought on government transparency? Transparent government is the cornerstone for democracy and should be demanded from every American. Without transparency, people lose faith and confidence in our Republic, our elected leaders, and our institutions. Transparency has been lacking over the past several years whether it be IRS, FBI or DOJ targeting of Americans just exercising their First Amendment rights. We all must work hard to elect leaders at all levels to restore this fundamental tenet of government.
What are your thoughts on national defense? My position is the same as the Reagan Doctrine, Peace through Strength. America requires a strong national defense focused on training against threats currently posed by China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. We must make smart investments in technology that will give our all-volunteer force the upper hand in any battle. However, our military forces are lacking in readiness to defend America today. Current Biden Administration officials within the Pentagon are more focused on understanding race rage, Critical Race Theory and Gender Identity at the expense of force readiness. This is unacceptable if we are to remain a free nation.
What are your thoughts on the free enterprise system? No bail outs. Free enterprise enables individuals and businesses to create wealth, products and services to sell at an already established or newly created market. This system has pulled millions of people out of poverty and incentivizes great risk taking by the individual.
What are your thoughts on the protection of the unborn? Roe vs. Wade was wrongly decided and legalized the killing of unborn children. While I agree there is room for exceptions like the health of the mother, it should not be used as a method of birth control as it is today. I fully support the various state heartbeat bills making their way through the court system and will be a strong proponent of life in Congress.
What are your thoughts on the role the family plays in America? Strong families = Strong Communities = Strong Nation. The nuclear family is critically important to the health and vibrancy of a nation. Studies show that households with a mother and father are less likely to end up in poverty or in the criminal justice system. We should continue to incentivize and encourage the nuclear family through the U.S. tax code.
What are your thoughts on equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity, as opposed to equal outcomes? I fully support equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity regardless of race, gender or nationality. Meritocracy is what built American and it will continue to keep our nation strong. I do not agree with equal outcomes as it cheapens the value of hard work. God blessed each of us with different talents and abilities and how we employ them will help determine our individual outcomes.
What are your thoughts on the 2nd Amendment? As a gun owner, I fully support our 2d Amendment rights. Our founders understood how governments used soldiers to squelch debate and target citizens and this right was created to help alleviate this risk. I am also a strong proponent of Constitutional Carry.
Virginia Constitutional Conservatives Candidate Survey 2022 – CANDIDATE REFUSED TO ANSWER
Additional sources of information on this candidate:
Virginia Constitutional Conservatives Candidate Survey 2022 – CANDIDATE REFUSED TO ANSWER
Truth: Johnhenleyva
Instagram: Johnhenleyva