Full Name: Theresa Coats Ellis
Nick Names:
Office Sought: Congress,
10th Congressional District
Party Affiliation: Republican
Campaign Website:
Campaign POC:
Phone Number: 571-247-6729
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Structured Interview Request Sent:
3 Dec 2021, 20 Dec 2021, 29 Dec 2021, 16 Jan 2022, 25 Jan 2022, 27 Jan 2022
Structured Interview Response and Date:
2 March 2022
Vetting Panel Selected: Pending
Structured Interview Completed: Pending
Biography: Growing up in a humble family living paycheck to paycheck, Theresa’s parents saved what they could, took an opportunity, and opened their own small auto repair business. Theresa grew up in the shop — pitching in with her sister and brother to drive their family business to success. Her dad still works every day at the shop.
She helped her dad take care of her mom, who passed away after a challenging battle with Lewy Body Dementia who shared her love of art and gardening with Theresa.
After graduating from Lancaster Catholic High School working multiple jobs to pay to attend Millersville University, Pa. She graduated from George Mason University, in Va. with a degree in Business Communication and was selected by the Department of Communication as Alumna of the Year in 2019.
Theresa worked for top American investment companies, including Merrill Lynch, while living and working on the east and west coasts. Theresa and her husband George resided and raised their family in Va. 10th District for more than 30 years. She founded a professional healthcare management business and expanded her business into marketing and communication. They have a faith-based family of 6 daughters and 1 son, who attended our public schools and state universities and are members of All Saints Catholic Church, Manassas, Va.
Theresa was the only elected Republican serving on Manassas City Council for some time. To build the party, she mentored and supported candidates. Since 2018, she helped elect a Conservative to the school board, and to City Council, and was a leader in the Prince William County Women and Faith Leaders for Glenn Youngkin coalitions to support our new Governor, Winsome Sears, and Jason Miyares. As a genuine person with real life experience and work skills in communication and business, she gets things done to serve and benefit the community, our state and the country.
Theresa has 2 grandsons, and is a proud Military Mom with children with service in the U. S. Air Force. She believes in the strength of people and is looking forward to continuing to lead and serve them to thrive again in our vibrant state of Virginia.
Theresa won her Manassas City Council seat with an outstanding vote-getting performance in a tough district. She believes in protecting voter integrity, individual rights, and liberties. She is a leader, advocate, and humanitarian in many organizations from Human Trafficking Awareness, District Membership, Rotary International, American Red Cross Chair Biomedical Committee, Master Gardeners, Beekeepers, Suicide Awareness, and finding a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease. As an entrepreneur and small business owner, she is a member of the Prince William County Chamber of Commerce.
Her City Council appointments during her term include Economic Development, Land Use, Citizen Action Committee Solid Waste, the Airport Commission, and Chair of the Appointments Committee for resident volunteer boards, committees, commissions.
She founded her own 5th annual Shadow for a Day 2022 mentor program creating jobs and careers for people. She was a past leader in the Girl Scouts and founder of the Osbourn High School Media Team.
Why you? With my life, career, and experience in leadership, volunteerism and service, I understand the issues that small businesses and communities face. I have been on the front lines fighting for constitutional rights, pushing back against higher taxes and unfunded mandates. I have the reputation of rolling up my sleeves and getting things done. I stood by residents for the right to display the USA flags on their streets and initiated community flag programs, like the annual display of 100s of Flags for Heroes in Manassas.
I was elected before COVID19 and served during, and continue to fight everyday on Council and as a volunteer leader for the recovery of the government overreach that threatened our freedoms, rights, and liberties, increased mental health issues, suicide, child and elder abuse, human trafficking, and severe loss of learning for students while crippling families, businesses, education, and healthcare and causing skyrocketing inflation. I also stood up on a majority Democrat Council with success to fight against raising taxes, and the federal vaccine mandates and reporting that was forcing people to give up their jobs and their freedoms in our City, while jeopardizing services and the safety of our communities.
What are your priorities? Supporting state’s rights, family first, religious freedom, free enterprise, protecting our constitutional freedoms, our rights and liberties, lower taxes, reducing high inflation, stronger economy, cutting excess wasteful spending, supporting public safety, improving education opportunities, tackling the healthcare professional shortage and reduced and confusing health insurance benefits impacting our families, especially our increasing aging population, and continued crisis, increasing career training in the trades, internships, Career Technical Education (CTE), better transportation, improved technology solutions with connectivity, job-ready workforce, supporting the military mission and prioritizing care for our Veterans and military families, who have sacrificed so much of their lives for our freedoms.
Endorsements: Virginia families, small business owners and operators, law enforcement, volunteer leaders, healthcare professionals, Veterans, military families, faith-leaders, elected Republicans and past party leaders and the list building daily.
Education: George Mason University, Business Communication, Selected as Alumna of the Year 2019.
Relevant Employment History:
Grew up helping and working in a family-founded auto repair shop
Position in Executive Management in national investment companies, including Merrill Lynch on east and west coast
Health care professional manager in Virginia’s 10th District
Built and operated a successful small business in management, marketing, and communications for more than 30 years in Virginia’s District 10
Military Experience / Branch / Years of Service / Rank / Type of Discharge: My husband George and I are proud military parents: U.S. Air Force – one of our daughters and our only son. We pray and support them, their fellow armed service members and their families. God bless our men and women who serve and their families who sacrifice for our freedoms.
Past Offices Held and Tenure: Current Manassas City Councilwoman serving 4th year of first 4-year term.
Community Service: Theresa is a volunteer leader, advocate, and humanitarian in many organizations from Human Trafficking Awareness, Rotary International, American Red Cross Chair Biomedical Committee, Master Gardeners, Beekeepers, Mental Health and Suicide Awareness, Inter-Service Club Council of Greater Manassas.
Leadership Experience:
Elected as a Manassas City Councilwoman in a competitive district
Managed professionals and staff, mentored students for more than 30 years in Virginia’s 10th District
Volunteer Area Governor Rotary in Virginia District
Volunteer Chair Red Cross, Biomedical Committee to increase depleted blood supply
President, Volunteer organization network: Inter-service Club Council initiating Annual Volunteer Scholarship Fair
Patron, Founder of Annual Manassas Bee Festival and Bee City USA, Manassas designation
Personal Strengths: Organized, servant leader, strategic thinker, person of action, self-made businesswoman with health management plus marketing, finance, and communication experience, stands up for and fights for what is right for the common good of the people and the country.
What is the most important thing Virginians need to know about you? Theresa has integrity, is dedicated, and genuine. She grew up humble, living paycheck-to-paycheck in her family’s auto repair shop and worked to fund college after high school. Proud Military Mom, one daughter served in the US Air Force, her only son is actively serving in the US Air Force. As an elected official and volunteer leader, she has insight on the issues that impact all Virginians to face the challenges head on. Theresa has the life and career experience to get right to work to fix the mess in Washington that we all face.
How would your friends and family describe you? Persistent, brave, humanitarian, hard working, wants to make her country better, determined, problem solver, genuine, skilled communicator and fights for our freedoms and liberties every day as an elected official and volunteer leader. Humble, self-made woman who believes in the strength of family. She raised, and is proud of her six daughters and one son, raised with her husband George in Virginia’s 10th District, and the successful, independent leaders that they have become as adults to make their communities and country better.
What are your thoughts on the Constitution as the Law of the Land? The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and should always be adhered to as written. And changes should be made through amendments.
What are your thoughts on religious liberty? My thoughts align with the 1st Amendment; Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. I respect an individual’s right to choose their religious beliefs.
What are your thoughts on the preservation of our history? All history should be taught objectively and history should be preserved. Omitting parts of history that make us uncomfortable or pit one group against another is a dangerous precedent.
What are your thought on government transparency? We the People are the owners of our government. Transparency is a must for trust in our government.
What are your thoughts on national defense? We must have a strong national defense to support our national policies. I believe in peace through strength.
What are your thoughts on the free enterprise system? The market should be freely operated, competitive, no government interference.
What are your thoughts on the protection of the unborn? All life is sacred and life begins at conception. The life of an unborn child is not ours to give or take.
What are your thoughts on the role the family plays in America? Family is essential to a functioning society. It is the most permanent institution of all times and helps shape an individual for an independent life.
What are your thoughts on equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity, as opposed to equal outcomes? Equal rights and opportunity are paramount to a free society, individuals should have the necessary tools to achieve what they want to and be able to achieve their American dream.
What are your thoughts on the 2nd Amendment? The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, no exceptions.
Virginia Constitutional Conservatives Candidate Survey 2022 – CANDIDATE REFUSED TO ANSWER
Additional sources of information on this candidate:
Virginia Constitutional Conservatives Candidate Survey 2022 – CANDIDATE REFUSED TO ANSWER